The 2nd annual Autonomous Vehicle Summit, hosted at Draper in Cambridge, MA, once again brought together thought leaders in technology, policy and urban planning to consider the challenges facing the growing AV marketplace from on-the-road testing protocols, state & local regulatory implementation and infrastructure changes to support technology and enhance public safety.

Leaders in research addressed current technology readiness levels, representatives from manufacturing and autonomous systems integrators on vehicle standards and strategic partnership planning, and infrastructure professionals exploring what are the potential costs & value to public mobility.

Jim Sproul, AVS2018 program director and founder of the Sproul Company worked alongside other autonomous vehicle supporters and throught leaders to deliver a very successful event.

The Sproul Company’s mission is to bring together the Connected & Autonomous Vehicle communities with the goal of improving urban mobility by organizing events, initiatives and promoting innovation. By bringing together a diverse group of people, we truly believe relationships and growth can and will happen for urban mobility.

The planning process has already begun for AVS2019, and we are anticipating it to be a great success…stay tuned for updates!